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Changelog Notes - V3.0.1-beta link

April 27, 2022


In this release, we have improved our API performance by 50%. The speed to load data for Organisation Details, Projects in the organization, Billing, Invoice, Deployments in a project has been improved by implementing MongoDB Aggregate Techniques. We are still improving our API calls and will be released in our subsequent releases.

Automatic Framework Detector

We have implemented an automatic framework detector with this release. Now when a repository is chosen, we automatically detect the project’s framework. Based on the framework we prefilled the configurations needed for the project to successfully deploy. We still give the option to update the framework if the detector doesn’t give the correct framework.

Payment Failover Improvement

In this release, automatic payment failure for next month's subscription will put your organization in an overdue state, but you will be able to resolve this state just by clicking the pay overdue button. Once users click on the pay overdue button, the API will create a new subscription with a PRO plan (if needed) and bonuses for exceeded resources, so the organization won’t be in an overdue state anymore and users can continue to use all the resources they have. Also, If payment fails for subscriptions or bonuses, users will be notified by in-app notifications and email.

Overdue Payment for Organization


In this release, users will have an option to pay for all the overdue using a single click. A button is provided on the page where the user is shown a currently active plan. Clicking on the button will open up a modal in which all the overdue are listed. This allows the user to easily pay for all the overdue and once the payment passes, all the overdue states will be cleared.

Redeploy Projects


With this release, users have an option to redeploy their projects directly from the project page. A button is provided on the project’s deployment list page, which when clicked will directly take the user to the deployment configuration page with pre-filled configuration based on project settings and previous deployments. This allows users to easily deploy their app without needing to go through the whole process of connecting the repository and updating the configuration they previously used.

Bug Fixes

From your feedback, we've shipped some bug fixes to improve your product experience.

Here are some of the recent ones.

  • Selecting a different framework during a new deployment on an existing project was fixed in this release. But using a different framework on a new deployment won’t change the project framework settings.

  • A fix has been made to provide better overdue actionable details on the deployment environments.

  • Increased the timeout for creating a transaction in arweave from default 20s to 50s

Mitrasish Mukherjee

Cofounder & Product Lead

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