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Changelog Notes - V3.2.0-beta link

Nov 10th, 2022

Introducing Compute Marketplace


We are introducing a way to deploy some of the world’s most popular software products on Akash protocol with just a few clicks. Select a template you would want to deploy, choose the instance plan that suits your needs, and that is it. You can deploy some of the most popular databases and nodes in less than a minute.

We have added templates for the following:

  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • Grafana
  • HashiCorp Vault
  • IPFS
  • Substrate
  • Stride
  • Hypersign
  • Kyve

No more need to waste your time setting up the DB. We will do that for you, so you can dedicate all your time to developing your app! You can spin up validator nodes with just a few clicks and say goodbye to centralized servers and the fear of losing everything within minutes.

We have also added support for new instance plans so that you can have a bigger selection and find the one that suits your app the most.

Organization Split

With this release, all the organizations will get a type.

  • Web App
    • Deploy your static frontend apps on the Decoud and scale them infinitely.
  • Compute
    • Deploy your containers on the Akash Network

Now you can fully control your app's frontend and backend parts in separate organizations and pay for them separately. We are also giving out a starter plan to try our compute service up to 8 GB SSD, 4 GB RAM & 2 CPUs. Your organizations that had both projects and clusters will be split into two different organizations.

API Endpoint changes

  • We updated the response of PUT: /v1/organization/{organizationId} to include the updated organization.
  • We added an app-type property to the responses of ET: /v1/organization/{organizationId} and PUT: /v1/organization/{organizationId} endpoints. The appType parameter holds the information about the type of organization and can have an app or compute for value.


  • Onboarding Upgrade: We improved our onboarding user experience.
  • Compute Access: We removed the need for the compute coupon to access the compute. Any developer can try our compute service without asking permission from the Spheron Team. Along with that, we are also providing a starter plan for trying out the compute platform.

Mitrasish Mukherjee

Cofounder & Product Lead

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